Prepare to embark on a journey of blissful rejuvenation
Traditional Old Style Lomi Lomi massage
Hot Stone Therapy Massage
Trigger Point Therapy
Intuitive Healing
Services provided

Traditional Old Style Lomi Lomi massage - WOMEN ONLY
This form of Lomi Lomi massage is a sacred restorative Hawaiian massage that works gently, yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes. Touch, rhythm and ancient wisdom come together, allowing healing to occur. The long, constant strokes are designed to help the body let go of its old patterns and behaviours, which can cause as many stresses and strains as muscle tension. Through its rhythm and pattern’s, it activates meridians, energy points, releases energetic blocks and allows the body’s own healing processes to take over.
“Old Style” combines almost endless technique, with “the laying on of hands”, both in passive mode and active massage of Lomi Lomi. Always with the open hand, rhythm is paramount and ultimately hypnotic, which acts to bring the mind to a place of absolute stillness. This “sanctuary” of the quiet mind is where true healing manifests.
It is important to note that this state of “stillness” is experienced during treatment by both therapist and recipient. The goal of this method is to enable the practitioner to work from an understanding, that he or she is merely an instrument, through which life force or Mana is allowed to flow and channel into the recipient.
A complete full body massage from head to toes
Improves circulation
Lymphatic drainage & cleansing
Releases soft & deep tissue
Rejuvenates vital organs
Detoxifies the body
Pain relief
Stress & tension release
Emotional healing
Instils a sense of peace, harmony & well being
Energy exchange $150
Location - Peregian Beach, QLD.
Please allow 2 hours for your appointment.
For alternate times please DM me.

Hot Stone Therapy massage - WOMEN ONLY
Hot Stone massage incorporates the therapeutic benefits of marble stones from the Daintree and Pilbara regions.
Hot Stone therapy or Thermotherapy is where the application of heat to the body changes the physiological responses that occur in the body to promote healing.
Energy exchange $180
Location - Peregian Beach, QLD.
Please allow 2.5 hours for your appointment.
For alternate times please DM me.

Lomi Trigger Point Therapy massage - WOMEN ONLY
Trigger Point Therapy works specifically on fatigued, locked up muscles to relieve pain that just doesn’t seem to go away. Many ailments such as migraines, frozen shoulders, bursitis, tendonitis are often misdiagnosed. The culprit can in fact be overworked muscles that have formed hard nodules which cause the length of the muscle to be strained. What makes it difficult to diagnose is the concept of referred pain. So, the real culprit of the problem is often not the area that is giving the pain. By locating the referring trigger point areas and applying pressure with targeted, milking strokes, these tiny knots are released, thereby releasing the entire muscle from its state of chronic contraction (the cause of the pain and discomfort).
Energy exchange $90
Location - Peregian Beach, QLD.
Please allow 2 hours for your appointment.
For alternate times please DM me.

Intuitive Healing - WOMEN ONLY
These services are incorporated into your service and may be a stand alone add-on or a combination.
These add-on's include
Reiki energy healing
Moxibustion therapy
Essential Oils
Crystal therapy
Sound healing
Frequency healing
Light language

About me
My name is Megan.
I welcome you into my heart and my home where your transformation occurs in the safest, gentlest, kind hearted and loving environment.
After 33 years in the corporate industry, I innately knew I needed to share my energy and gifts with the world. Being an eternal seeker of all things spirituality and holistic healing, I found “HOME” when I stumbled upon Lomi Lomi massage.
My purpose is to bring you back to your divine self via the sacred energy ‘mana’ of Traditional Old Style Lomi Lomi massage and Intuitive Healing.
In addition to the hands on healing of your massage, your session may incorporate supportive tools such as essential oils, tuning forks, crystals, singing bowls, Reiki, light language and the use of a biofeedback resonance device.
The moment you set foot into my healing space you’ll feel safe, heard, prioritised and nurtured.
Upon leaving I guarantee you’ll feel relaxed, grounded, refreshed, pampered and experiencing a deep inner peace.
I’m so looking forward to sharing all of this and more with you.